OHWELLHELLO there, stranger.
Lemme' inform you that you're currently setting a foot on my wonderland.
Everyone is always welcome here.
But, once you've hopped in, you are required to follow my rules.
This blog was opened by me to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.
Do enjoy your stay here, but please don't take what's not yours!

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 12:02 AM
I can do better :">
Reasons why Guy Best friends are the Best:
1. They are always there when you're problematic. 2. They can make you laugh. 3. They beg when you're mad at them. 4. They are sweet when you cry. 5. They always protect you. But the worst part is: 6. They always say, I love you, but only as a friend.
I really thought he loved me too, but it turns out that I'm wrong. Some of his close friends told me that he loves me too, but he's just not brave enough to confess what he feels. I gave him time, enough for him to find me in his heart. I can even say that the time given by me is more than enough. But what hurts me the most is that the love he felt for me is just a misunderstanding. Coz' he only treats me as his best friend. That's all. I've learned that the two hardest tests in one's life are the patience to wait for the one you love and the courage to accept that you've waited too long for nothing. It broke my heart, and I can say that I hated him so much after what happened. But I can't still deny the fact that I'm still in love with him. It's too hard to move on. Trying to forget something that your heart can't deny.
Being broken hearted seem to be, unfortunately a normal part of the modern day life. Healing from a broken heart is a difficult task at best. Some people never completely recover, carrying with them the pain of it through life. Others become immobilized from the fear of getting close to a person again. Me, I'm not shy too admit I've already experience those sorts of things for many times. :"> I'm not a fool, maybe I was just blinded by my heart. Now, I'm starting to move on. I realized that no matter how hard I cry, I can never make him love me. So I'll just set him free coz' that's the best thing that I can do. Time heals almost everything. Just like a wound, it heals in a period of time. Now, of course with the help of God, I finally managed to move on. :)))))))))) And, I'm already happy and contented of the things that I have in my life now. Maybe now isn't just the right time for me.
Joanna's Status:COMPLETELY MOVED ON. x3
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who caused it. And surround yourself with people who can make you laugh so hard that you can forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. :)))) That's what I learned from those bittersweet experiences. :">
End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 12:02 AM
I can do better :">
Reasons why Guy Best friends are the Best:
1. They are always there when you're problematic. 2. They can make you laugh. 3. They beg when you're mad at them. 4. They are sweet when you cry. 5. They always protect you. But the worst part is: 6. They always say, I love you, but only as a friend.
I really thought he loved me too, but it turns out that I'm wrong. Some of his close friends told me that he loves me too, but he's just not brave enough to confess what he feels. I gave him time, enough for him to find me in his heart. I can even say that the time given by me is more than enough. But what hurts me the most is that the love he felt for me is just a misunderstanding. Coz' he only treats me as his best friend. That's all. I've learned that the two hardest tests in one's life are the patience to wait for the one you love and the courage to accept that you've waited too long for nothing. It broke my heart, and I can say that I hated him so much after what happened. But I can't still deny the fact that I'm still in love with him. It's too hard to move on. Trying to forget something that your heart can't deny.
Being broken hearted seem to be, unfortunately a normal part of the modern day life. Healing from a broken heart is a difficult task at best. Some people never completely recover, carrying with them the pain of it through life. Others become immobilized from the fear of getting close to a person again. Me, I'm not shy too admit I've already experience those sorts of things for many times. :"> I'm not a fool, maybe I was just blinded by my heart. Now, I'm starting to move on. I realized that no matter how hard I cry, I can never make him love me. So I'll just set him free coz' that's the best thing that I can do. Time heals almost everything. Just like a wound, it heals in a period of time. Now, of course with the help of God, I finally managed to move on. :)))))))))) And, I'm already happy and contented of the things that I have in my life now. Maybe now isn't just the right time for me.
Joanna's Status:COMPLETELY MOVED ON. x3
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who caused it. And surround yourself with people who can make you laugh so hard that you can forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. :)))) That's what I learned from those bittersweet experiences. :">
End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3

She's a heart breaker. <:)
I'm on my road of being an optimist.

Who's that girl? It's Joanna!
I'd turned fourteen years young since I landed on this wonderland called Earth.
A four-eyed social hot-tempered teenager who doesn't look her age.
A moody, active, cool but snobbish person. I'm somewhat a bore at times.
It's easy to make me laugh, and to make me cry. I'm a cry baby.
I tend to be possessed at times, especially if I can't get what I want. *evil smirk*
I'm a professional liar. I sleep during classes.
Slightly scary with the fact that I eat a lot and still stays skinny.
I'm still in love with cartoons and kiddo stuffs. I'm still a child at heart. ♥
Living life normally with pride and dignity is what I aim for.
My family and friends are my pillars of support.
I'm an aspiring doctor. It's been my dream to become a doctor since when I was in preschool.
I love my family, they are the best. I can't live without them, I really can't.
Oh well, before I forgot I have many fears.
I'm Katsaridophobic, Felinophobic and Acrophobic.
I can still control my fear of heights, but when it comes to my fear of cats and cockroaches, I can't.
So don't you dare give me some of it, coz' it really pisses me off. >:(
I'll shove my foot down your throat if you do. LOLJK.