OHWELLHELLO there, stranger.
Lemme' inform you that you're currently setting a foot on my wonderland.
Everyone is always welcome here.
But, once you've hopped in, you are required to follow my rules.
This blog was opened by me to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.
Do enjoy your stay here, but please don't take what's not yours!

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Copyright © 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 7:53 AM
Love doesn't exist.
Yeah, so I guess I'm a newbie here. Once again. Yeah, coz as you can see, this blog's very poor. My lacking of post is so annoying. But I love my new blog. :D Where's my old blog? Ahaha. Due to my stupidity, I deleted it. And now, I'm with regrets. T_T. I'm so STUUUUPID! So now, I'm gonna start it over again. Yeah, coz' it's your my fault.
I'm sooooo STUUUUPID! I effin' hate my self.
But still, past is past. I can't see my old blog ever again. Since I've made a new blog, help me fix this mess! It's so poooor. Help me enhance it. :( I'm currently fixing it. Wait and see til' I'm done. But my tagboard is always AVAILABLE. So you can always leave a message. A simple message would be so highly appreciated. Promise. And if it's okay with you, you can put my link into your affies. I promise I'll gonna link you too. Just tell me. If you're waiting for updates, just wait. I'll post another later. I'll just finish editing this blog. Err. And, Thanks if you cared! LOL.
End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3
Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 7:53 AM
Love doesn't exist.
Yeah, so I guess I'm a newbie here. Once again. Yeah, coz as you can see, this blog's very poor. My lacking of post is so annoying. But I love my new blog. :D Where's my old blog? Ahaha. Due to my stupidity, I deleted it. And now, I'm with regrets. T_T. I'm so STUUUUPID! So now, I'm gonna start it over again. Yeah, coz' it's your my fault.
I'm sooooo STUUUUPID! I effin' hate my self.
But still, past is past. I can't see my old blog ever again. Since I've made a new blog, help me fix this mess! It's so poooor. Help me enhance it. :( I'm currently fixing it. Wait and see til' I'm done. But my tagboard is always AVAILABLE. So you can always leave a message. A simple message would be so highly appreciated. Promise. And if it's okay with you, you can put my link into your affies. I promise I'll gonna link you too. Just tell me. If you're waiting for updates, just wait. I'll post another later. I'll just finish editing this blog. Err. And, Thanks if you cared! LOL.
End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3

She's a heart breaker. <:)
I'm on my road of being an optimist.

Who's that girl? It's Joanna!
I'd turned fourteen years young since I landed on this wonderland called Earth.
A four-eyed social hot-tempered teenager who doesn't look her age.
A moody, active, cool but snobbish person. I'm somewhat a bore at times.
It's easy to make me laugh, and to make me cry. I'm a cry baby.
I tend to be possessed at times, especially if I can't get what I want. *evil smirk*
I'm a professional liar. I sleep during classes.
Slightly scary with the fact that I eat a lot and still stays skinny.
I'm still in love with cartoons and kiddo stuffs. I'm still a child at heart. ♥
Living life normally with pride and dignity is what I aim for.
My family and friends are my pillars of support.
I'm an aspiring doctor. It's been my dream to become a doctor since when I was in preschool.
I love my family, they are the best. I can't live without them, I really can't.
Oh well, before I forgot I have many fears.
I'm Katsaridophobic, Felinophobic and Acrophobic.
I can still control my fear of heights, but when it comes to my fear of cats and cockroaches, I can't.
So don't you dare give me some of it, coz' it really pisses me off. >:(
I'll shove my foot down your throat if you do. LOLJK.
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