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Lemme' inform you that you're currently setting a foot on my wonderland.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 7:46 PM
Run through that meadow.
Annyeong blog. I've just celebrated my birthday last Wednesday, April 07. So now, I'm officially FOURTEEN. The title of my post is somehow related to my birthday. And if I'm right, probably you're now wondering what is that "new" all about. ;) For all these years, I've always been a childish child of my parents. Everytime my birthday comes, there will always be a party held at our house. What I figured out now, is that on my 14th birthday, we haven't held any party. But, I don't really mind it. Coz' I really like it. It gives me a COOOOL feeling. Woah. :> But, even there's no party, there will always be a BLOWOUT. This is the very first time I celebrated my birthday as a highschool bud and also, I did celebrated it with my beloved classmates. Unfortunately, one of my close friend Zachary, is not available on the exact date of my birthday coz' they're heading to Singapore. So, we celebrated it one day earlier. (April 06) But I don't really mind it. What's important to me is to celebrate my birthday with them. We were 9. Namely, Ira, Sam, Stef, Julienne, Joshua, Paulo Neil, Karl, Zachary and me. It was soooo FUN! I really really love that day. We went to the mall (SM) and I treated them lunch at KFC. Luckily, there was a limited edition bucket meal tumblers. There were 4 tumblers, and those were Spongebob and his bucket of friends! AHAHA. :D Those tumblers were very CUUUUTE! haha. Then, we went to the cinema to checkout what time will the movie "Clash of the Titans" will start. We found out that the movie will start at 1:50 pm. It was 12:00 pm then, so we have 1 hour and 50 minutes left to wait until the movie starts again. We thought of something to do while waiting so that it'll not be boring. So, we went to Netopia Internet Cafe' to update our social sites. We spend 1 hour there and then we went downstairs to buy some Zagu. Yen, Sam and I bought different flavors of it, Mocha, Chocolate and Cookies & Cream. When the shake was ready, it was so funny because we don't recognize what flavors was ours and thems. Ahaha! We tasted it and then we told each other: "Patikim nga ng iyo, Bka eto yung akin eh". Ahahah. We were so silly. =)) After that silly moment, we went to the cinema again to avail our tickets. We bought some popcorns and drinks for us to munch inside the cinema. Then, we went to inside to watch the movie. Inside, it was very dark. We sat 2 rows from the end. Then, the movie started. It was soooo COOOL. I love it. Perseus, the demigod was very brave. Coz' he wants to get revenge for those Gods. It's really goooood! I also love the part when Perseus cut Medussa's head off. Ahaha. :)) He was so brave.  Clash of the Titans. <3!After watching the movie, we went to Quantum. We bought tokens and we played. We didn't enjoyed it so much. Coz' many of the playing machines there was under repair. LOL. We were so annoyed. So, we tried to refund those tokens but it isn't allowed. So, we just kept it for next time. We transferred ourselves to Tom's World and we really enjoyed playing there. Karl was so good in racing! I can't beat him. Paulo Neil and Joshua was also very good in shooting. They was so COOOL. Ahaha. :) Zachary bought so many tickets that everytime our tickets are already consumed, we just ask another from him. :DD LOL. After that, we went upstairs to get our pictures. Those pictures were taken upstairs, at the Tronix imaging center when we were finished watching the movie. We were so good-looking. Well, except for me I guess. Hoho. Then, we went home. That was one of the best days of my life! I will can't really forget it. So, that's all for this post! I'll post another one. Just wait and see. Bohaha. Thank you. :))))))) End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3
Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 7:46 PM
Run through that meadow.
Annyeong blog. I've just celebrated my birthday last Wednesday, April 07. So now, I'm officially FOURTEEN. The title of my post is somehow related to my birthday. And if I'm right, probably you're now wondering what is that "new" all about. ;) For all these years, I've always been a childish child of my parents. Everytime my birthday comes, there will always be a party held at our house. What I figured out now, is that on my 14th birthday, we haven't held any party. But, I don't really mind it. Coz' I really like it. It gives me a COOOOL feeling. Woah. :> But, even there's no party, there will always be a BLOWOUT. This is the very first time I celebrated my birthday as a highschool bud and also, I did celebrated it with my beloved classmates. Unfortunately, one of my close friend Zachary, is not available on the exact date of my birthday coz' they're heading to Singapore. So, we celebrated it one day earlier. (April 06) But I don't really mind it. What's important to me is to celebrate my birthday with them. We were 9. Namely, Ira, Sam, Stef, Julienne, Joshua, Paulo Neil, Karl, Zachary and me. It was soooo FUN! I really really love that day. We went to the mall (SM) and I treated them lunch at KFC. Luckily, there was a limited edition bucket meal tumblers. There were 4 tumblers, and those were Spongebob and his bucket of friends! AHAHA. :D Those tumblers were very CUUUUTE! haha. Then, we went to the cinema to checkout what time will the movie "Clash of the Titans" will start. We found out that the movie will start at 1:50 pm. It was 12:00 pm then, so we have 1 hour and 50 minutes left to wait until the movie starts again. We thought of something to do while waiting so that it'll not be boring. So, we went to Netopia Internet Cafe' to update our social sites. We spend 1 hour there and then we went downstairs to buy some Zagu. Yen, Sam and I bought different flavors of it, Mocha, Chocolate and Cookies & Cream. When the shake was ready, it was so funny because we don't recognize what flavors was ours and thems. Ahaha! We tasted it and then we told each other: "Patikim nga ng iyo, Bka eto yung akin eh". Ahahah. We were so silly. =)) After that silly moment, we went to the cinema again to avail our tickets. We bought some popcorns and drinks for us to munch inside the cinema. Then, we went to inside to watch the movie. Inside, it was very dark. We sat 2 rows from the end. Then, the movie started. It was soooo COOOL. I love it. Perseus, the demigod was very brave. Coz' he wants to get revenge for those Gods. It's really goooood! I also love the part when Perseus cut Medussa's head off. Ahaha. :)) He was so brave.  Clash of the Titans. <3!After watching the movie, we went to Quantum. We bought tokens and we played. We didn't enjoyed it so much. Coz' many of the playing machines there was under repair. LOL. We were so annoyed. So, we tried to refund those tokens but it isn't allowed. So, we just kept it for next time. We transferred ourselves to Tom's World and we really enjoyed playing there. Karl was so good in racing! I can't beat him. Paulo Neil and Joshua was also very good in shooting. They was so COOOL. Ahaha. :) Zachary bought so many tickets that everytime our tickets are already consumed, we just ask another from him. :DD LOL. After that, we went upstairs to get our pictures. Those pictures were taken upstairs, at the Tronix imaging center when we were finished watching the movie. We were so good-looking. Well, except for me I guess. Hoho. Then, we went home. That was one of the best days of my life! I will can't really forget it. So, that's all for this post! I'll post another one. Just wait and see. Bohaha. Thank you. :))))))) End of my post, An-nyung! JOANNAisthename. x3

She's a heart breaker. <:)
I'm on my road of being an optimist.

Who's that girl? It's Joanna!
I'd turned fourteen years young since I landed on this wonderland called Earth.
A four-eyed social hot-tempered teenager who doesn't look her age.
A moody, active, cool but snobbish person. I'm somewhat a bore at times.
It's easy to make me laugh, and to make me cry. I'm a cry baby.
I tend to be possessed at times, especially if I can't get what I want. *evil smirk*
I'm a professional liar. I sleep during classes.
Slightly scary with the fact that I eat a lot and still stays skinny.
I'm still in love with cartoons and kiddo stuffs. I'm still a child at heart. ♥
Living life normally with pride and dignity is what I aim for.
My family and friends are my pillars of support.
I'm an aspiring doctor. It's been my dream to become a doctor since when I was in preschool.
I love my family, they are the best. I can't live without them, I really can't.
Oh well, before I forgot I have many fears.
I'm Katsaridophobic, Felinophobic and Acrophobic.
I can still control my fear of heights, but when it comes to my fear of cats and cockroaches, I can't.
So don't you dare give me some of it, coz' it really pisses me off. >:(
I'll shove my foot down your throat if you do. LOLJK.