Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 9:43 PM
Summer days cannot compare to those of April ♥

Happy Sunday! ;))
" I’m intimidated by the fear of being average. " -Taylor.I'm in loveeee with those photos from Josh Farros's wedding.
Paramore and Taylor ♥ were theree, I honestly think there is nothinnng like a spring wedding(: . ahaaa, GOSH! i'm obsessed with how Taylor looks in these photos, she NEVER fails to look absooolutely stunning(: her hair is smoothed and straightened, then put into a sophisticated ponytail. not to mention her dress is too cute, aha(:
ohhhh! my RL best friend is BACK from Bicol.(:
We might go see the last song today, I'm dying to see it:)!
Has anyone seen it? (: ♥jussst 1 more lonnnnnng DAY!
this calls for an ultimate countdown.
Tommorow is the start of my Summer Advanced Program ScieMathEla.
Yeay! I'm a little nervous and excited. Hahahoho.
Well i'm going to prepare for tommorow,
Good bye for now ;)
Just don't forget to leave a message
in my Tagboard, Khamsamnida!
Joanna Grace.