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Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 4:18 AM
Memoires Part 2 ;)
Ahn-young, world! Like what I said in my last post, I have so many stories to tell. And those were oh-so-manyyy! So now, I would like to tell the second story. :)))))
Second, we had our dissection just last week, Thursday, April 29. At first, I was really excited, and I wasn't afraid at all though it was my first time. I just kept in my mind that, this is just a practice of being a doctor, coz' that was really one of my biggest dreams. So I controlled myself, although my heart beats faster than normal. My partner was my best friend Ira, and I was really expecting the brave side of her during the dissection, but I stand corrected. She was even more afraid than I was. Before we the dissection started, of course we were asked to wear our safety gears first. We wore our laboratory gowns, goggles, surgical gloves and mask. That was really my favorite part, thought it was also the easiest. We were like "feelers", we felt like were some kind of professional doctors. Haha. We we're oh-so-sillyyy. :)))))
Me and Yesterly. x3
Erikha, Sheila, Me, Yesterly and Ira. Love this pic. <3!
After that, we were called by teacher Kath to proceed to the biolab where the dissection will be done. Our classmate Victoria brought the frogs she contributed upstairs, it was seven plus the one teacher Kath caught, eight frogs all in all. There were 6 groups, so the other 2 left will be extras. When we reached the biolab, many of my classmates are so afraid, though I was one of them. But, I controlled myself and managed my fear. When one representative were called per group was called to get the frog, i volunteered. I got the frog and held it tight. I did the best that I can although I was very afraid. The feeling while I'm holding it was somehow slimy, but I still forced myself to hold it tight. It wasn't that hard, you just have to be careful to to let it go, coz' once you set it free, it's very hard to catch again. We pithed it, with the help of teacher Kath, to make it unconscious. But unfortunately, we pithed the wrong part. Blood came out from the wound and it bleed continuously and when I saw the red blood, i was frightened. At that time, I do not know what should I do. I wasn't able to control my feelings, so I accidentally set it free. I jumped and jumped until it fell to the ground. The wound is still open, and blood continues to flow from it. We were so afraid to hold it, not because of the frog, but because of the thick red blood. Finally, teacher Kath helped us to hold the frog and pinned it to the dissecting pan. Then, we started the dissection. We did the incission process, and while doing it, my hands are shaking. :X Teacher Kath helped us again to remove it's internal organs. And finally, we did it. :))))))) And It's a success. :D
Ira, Me and Vida dissecting the frog. :X
The poor frog after the dissection. x3
Before I end the second part, I just want to write a short message. For all the frogs we've killed for today's dissection, may you all rest in peace. It is so unfair that you have to die, but it is not a senseless death. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. froggies. Komapsumida. :))))))))
Third, obviously, I'm pretty much hooked-up with Koreans these past few days. Korea is looove. <3! Now I just want to share that after 3 days of spending time just to finish watching "Hello, My Lady", I finally finished it just yesterday. So for the record, I've already watched 12 Korean Dramas. My favorite Korean drama is entitled New Heart which has a medical genre. I can say that the drama contains disgusting scenes like for example when they are operating a patient, coz' it's too exposed. But I still love the drama coz' I love the main characters, and I think that watching such drama can also help me to be ready to enter the medical society someday. :))))) Also, one of the main reasons why I like this drama the most is because I really like the main characters namely, Dra. Nam Hye Suk, Dr. Lee Eun Sung and most especially, the one I love, Lee Dong Gwon which is played by Lee Ji Hoon.
Nam Hye Suk, Lee Eun Sung. <3!
Lee Ji Hoon. <33333!
Well, back to the hello-my-lady-thingy, I also love the storyline. I really love it. I like the tandem of Lee Da Hae and Lee Ji Hoon (again). It was so fuuuuunnnyyy! Though tears fell at the end of it, it was one of my favorites! I loooove it! <33333!>
Lee Ji Hoon and Lee Su Ha. <33333!
End of my post, An-nyung!
JOANNAisthename. x3
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 4:18 AM
Memoires Part 2 ;)
Ahn-young, world! Like what I said in my last post, I have so many stories to tell. And those were oh-so-manyyy! So now, I would like to tell the second story. :)))))
Second, we had our dissection just last week, Thursday, April 29. At first, I was really excited, and I wasn't afraid at all though it was my first time. I just kept in my mind that, this is just a practice of being a doctor, coz' that was really one of my biggest dreams. So I controlled myself, although my heart beats faster than normal. My partner was my best friend Ira, and I was really expecting the brave side of her during the dissection, but I stand corrected. She was even more afraid than I was. Before we the dissection started, of course we were asked to wear our safety gears first. We wore our laboratory gowns, goggles, surgical gloves and mask. That was really my favorite part, thought it was also the easiest. We were like "feelers", we felt like were some kind of professional doctors. Haha. We we're oh-so-sillyyy. :)))))
Me and Yesterly. x3
Erikha, Sheila, Me, Yesterly and Ira. Love this pic. <3!
After that, we were called by teacher Kath to proceed to the biolab where the dissection will be done. Our classmate Victoria brought the frogs she contributed upstairs, it was seven plus the one teacher Kath caught, eight frogs all in all. There were 6 groups, so the other 2 left will be extras. When we reached the biolab, many of my classmates are so afraid, though I was one of them. But, I controlled myself and managed my fear. When one representative were called per group was called to get the frog, i volunteered. I got the frog and held it tight. I did the best that I can although I was very afraid. The feeling while I'm holding it was somehow slimy, but I still forced myself to hold it tight. It wasn't that hard, you just have to be careful to to let it go, coz' once you set it free, it's very hard to catch again. We pithed it, with the help of teacher Kath, to make it unconscious. But unfortunately, we pithed the wrong part. Blood came out from the wound and it bleed continuously and when I saw the red blood, i was frightened. At that time, I do not know what should I do. I wasn't able to control my feelings, so I accidentally set it free. I jumped and jumped until it fell to the ground. The wound is still open, and blood continues to flow from it. We were so afraid to hold it, not because of the frog, but because of the thick red blood. Finally, teacher Kath helped us to hold the frog and pinned it to the dissecting pan. Then, we started the dissection. We did the incission process, and while doing it, my hands are shaking. :X Teacher Kath helped us again to remove it's internal organs. And finally, we did it. :))))))) And It's a success. :D
Ira, Me and Vida dissecting the frog. :X
The poor frog after the dissection. x3
Before I end the second part, I just want to write a short message. For all the frogs we've killed for today's dissection, may you all rest in peace. It is so unfair that you have to die, but it is not a senseless death. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. froggies. Komapsumida. :))))))))
Third, obviously, I'm pretty much hooked-up with Koreans these past few days. Korea is looove. <3! Now I just want to share that after 3 days of spending time just to finish watching "Hello, My Lady", I finally finished it just yesterday. So for the record, I've already watched 12 Korean Dramas. My favorite Korean drama is entitled New Heart which has a medical genre. I can say that the drama contains disgusting scenes like for example when they are operating a patient, coz' it's too exposed. But I still love the drama coz' I love the main characters, and I think that watching such drama can also help me to be ready to enter the medical society someday. :))))) Also, one of the main reasons why I like this drama the most is because I really like the main characters namely, Dra. Nam Hye Suk, Dr. Lee Eun Sung and most especially, the one I love, Lee Dong Gwon which is played by Lee Ji Hoon.
Nam Hye Suk, Lee Eun Sung. <3!
Lee Ji Hoon. <33333!
Well, back to the hello-my-lady-thingy, I also love the storyline. I really love it. I like the tandem of Lee Da Hae and Lee Ji Hoon (again). It was so fuuuuunnnyyy! Though tears fell at the end of it, it was one of my favorites! I loooove it! <33333!>
Lee Ji Hoon and Lee Su Ha. <33333!
End of my post, An-nyung!
JOANNAisthename. x3

She's a heart breaker. <:)
I'm on my road of being an optimist.

Who's that girl? It's Joanna!
I'd turned fourteen years young since I landed on this wonderland called Earth.
A four-eyed social hot-tempered teenager who doesn't look her age.
A moody, active, cool but snobbish person. I'm somewhat a bore at times.
It's easy to make me laugh, and to make me cry. I'm a cry baby.
I tend to be possessed at times, especially if I can't get what I want. *evil smirk*
I'm a professional liar. I sleep during classes.
Slightly scary with the fact that I eat a lot and still stays skinny.
I'm still in love with cartoons and kiddo stuffs. I'm still a child at heart. ♥
Living life normally with pride and dignity is what I aim for.
My family and friends are my pillars of support.
I'm an aspiring doctor. It's been my dream to become a doctor since when I was in preschool.
I love my family, they are the best. I can't live without them, I really can't.
Oh well, before I forgot I have many fears.
I'm Katsaridophobic, Felinophobic and Acrophobic.
I can still control my fear of heights, but when it comes to my fear of cats and cockroaches, I can't.
So don't you dare give me some of it, coz' it really pisses me off. >:(
I'll shove my foot down your throat if you do. LOLJK.